Sunday, 27 September 2009


Phew, all moved into the new house in Birmingham, all settled in and we have internet etc... I've been moving house so I couldn't come online for a while- hence the lack of blog posts. I will keep up to date, I promise!
So anyway, I've finished the painting part of my Apricot Cat artist's book! :D Woo woo! I want to do the lettering so badly but I need a grey fineliner, and I can't find one that I like. I was going to order online but I'd prefer to try it before I buy it, so I'm gonna try and get one from uni tomorrow (first day back!). Anyway, here are the Apricot Cat pics:

I need to put the writing in but am struggling to fine a grey fineliner that I like, so once I've done that it'll be finished and I'll see about making it into an artist's book.
I've been doing a few other drawings which I've put on flickr and making a few bits to sell on Etsy, which can be found here:
I've been doing lots of animal drawings since I found the book below for only £2.99 at Waterstones, and it's got loads of animal pics in it!

(It's by Alice Tomsett and is usually £5.99)

Also on Flickr I found this really cool group called Free Art Friday, where people make free art and leave it lying around for people to pick up, in the street for example. I really wanna get doing some :) Do any of you guys do free art? I'd like to see it! You can find that group here. I think it's a really cool thing to do because it'd make my day to get some free art and I'm sure other people will appreciate it too.

Anyway, as ever I'd appreciate constructive criticism on any and all work, so let me know what you think!
And keep up to date with me not only here, but at:

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Do any of you grow your own veggies?!

We're moving into our student house at the end of this month in Birmingham and have quite a big garden, and it already has an allotment at the end of it. It needs a really good tidy up so there's a lot of work to be done, but we were thinking of growing our own veg. It'd hopefully save us quite a bit of money, me even more so because I'm a vegetarian and I try to eat quite healthily, so most of my food shopping is vegetables. Does anyone here know what kinds of things we should be planting now? We're absolutely 100% new at this so we're a bit confused by all the terminology! This is the website I've been looking at:

Go see my video for Sockmonster Jeff- featuring the aforementioned song!- at:
Just click the link and it'll start playing. It has music with it too so make sure your computer's not set to really loud!

Monday, 7 September 2009

Bits and pieces

Pfft, got lots to say today!
I did my face painting yesterday- which, by the way, was a complete and utter shambles! The craft fair had little to no people coming to it, and even then they were mostly 40+ so didn't want their faces painted. I did my own face, my mum's and also a little girl who belonged to a stall holder anyway- so only one paying customer! I did take some photos though of my Mum and myself, and also I'm putting in a few I've done on other people too. I like face painting! The model is my little sister, she's strange but cute!

ALSO I've got to renew my passport! Rubbish! It expires before I go on holiday (Ibiza July 2010 woo woo!!!), and did you know it costs £77 just to renew it?! I have no money, I'm a poor student!

I've just remembered a LOAD of pictures that I've made in the last year at uni that I've never put online, so I'm gonna put those on flickr. It's a childrens book that I made for the final bit of my 1st year. I also did a pretty cool video (I thought so anyway!) of the character, Sockmonster Jeff, so I'll upload that tomorrow on youtube and link you to it. It's just really simple stop motion, but it took me ages! The song is Twenty Flight Rock by Tiger Army, for anyone who likes it.

Anyone here do free art? I'm well going to do some once I've finished Apricot Cat. Maybe I could leave some Apricot Cat artist's books around. If you get any free art from anyone please let me know, I'd love to see it.

Anyway got to go, Salvador seems to be shedding her skin so I'm just gonna check she's doing ok! :)

Friday, 4 September 2009

Apricot Cat Artist's Book

I've finished the line work for the Apricot Cat artist's book! Yay! :) On the left is a (quite bad, sorry!) photo of what it looks like so far. You can see more of it on my flickr, and there you can see how the idea developed to some extent too. I plan on colouring this in watercolour and maybe pencils, and also maybe photoshopping it too before I make it into a book. Hopefully the colour should be done in the next week or so, so I'll keep you updated with that :)

I'm face painting on Sunday at a craft fair- somewhere near Nottingham I think- so hopefully I'll be able to take some photos without looking too inappropriate! Look out for those pics :)

Is anyone going to the 4th Manchester Artist's Book Fair? I know it's a bit early to be planning really, but for those of you who are interested, the website is here. Take a look, artists books are mint I promise! I've gotten well into them lately :)

Anyway I'm off, party to arrange for tonight! Wish me luck and keep updated :)

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Trip to Page 45

Those of you who know Nottingham should know of Page 45 (, a WICKED comic book shop which is quite central, and where the staff are really friendly, happy to help, and actually know about what they're selling. Well we went today and I had to treat myself... I got 2 artists books.

One is 'Trains are... Mint 5' by Oliver East.
It's really good- not read it all yet but it's basically a journey that he's made and what has happened on the way, with lots of colour illustrations. I picked it because I liked the way the illustrations look full of life- there's a lovely imperfection about them which I really like in artwork. The colours are really nice too. Page 45 are selling this for £4.99 at the moment so it's an absolute bargain- it's A5 with quite a lot of pages, all in colour.

The other book is a 2-in-1 comic (you flip it over to read the other story), 'Peanut Butter and Marshmallows/ Cat Hearts' by Lizz Lunney.
The illustrations in that one are really cool and above all the stories made me laugh :) I like the way she's coloured it too- there's only one colour and white for each story. Also, all the stories are about animals which I think will help give me ideas for 'Apricot Cat' and 'Animools'. Page 45 sold this one for only £2 so I recommend that one too if you're a bit short of money like me and you'd like something to make you laugh!

I spent aaaaaages in there trying to decide because they've got this whole massive shelf now dedicated to artist's books which I've not seen before- although I probably haven't been in for over a year because of being in Birmingham. Anyway you should go and look it's really good, and because it's an independent shop I don't mind them having my money :)